Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Conspiracy Theory

Disclaimer #1: Long post ahead...

Disclaimer #2: Take no offense from the following blog. I'm just writing my "wouldn't-this-be-funny-if-it-were-true" thoughts. I don't even believe what I'm writing...

Several weeks ago, someone sent me an email that talked about a theory going around that the American Idol top 4 had already been "fixed" for this season. They'd already fixed Adam, Danny, Alison and Lil' to be the top 4. As much as I don't like to believe that my precious reality shows are in any way manipulated or contrived, I seriously think they COULD BE. You might look at me funny and say, "Becca. Look at who was in the top four! Lil' didn't make it! So, it wasn't fixed." And you're right. In Lil's place, Kris made the top four.

However, here's a theory: Someone gets wind of the show fabricating the results, and they send out an email that gets forwarded, and forwarded, and gossiped about, and blogged about. (The e-mail I mentioned.) Then, the show decides that they can't lose credibility, and they can't lose viewers. So, they decide to manipulate the top four so that the results that were widely emailed about, aren't EXACTLY the same four. Just close. That way, they figure they're in the clear! They didn't plan on me figuring their sordid plan out!!! (Insert evil laugh here...)

So, they start picking on Lil'. We all know she has an AMAZING voice. We've all heard the judges say in seasons past, and even a time or two in this current season "You can sing the phone book.... I don't care what you sing, as long as you sing your face off..." that kind of thing. But, did you notice that with Lil', they kept telling her that she was picking the wrong song. Over and over and over. They'd tell her that she's not being original. So, she'd come back and do something different. Then they wouldn't like it. They kept telling her that she needed to do a certain kind of singer, etc, etc, etc. The fans ended up listening to the judges, and ultimately, she got voted off.

Kris got some good treatment. And don't get me wrong. I LOVE Kris. I think he's adorable. He's a cutie patootie, and I'm so glad he's in the top three. But, the judges totally gave him amazing treatment. Praising everything he did with the guitar. Even when he did the same type of thing two or three weeks in a row, he could do no wrong! I totally think the judges replaced Lil' with him, just so they wouldn't look like they'd fixed the results.

Also, all year long, my mom and I have noticed how Paula seems to be very composed, and intelligent sounding. My mom gave me the idea that she might be getting her lines fed to her. Makes sense. We all remember last year, and in years past when Paula will make some off-the-wall comment. Or when she forgets who just sang. Or when she forgets what's going on. Drunk, drunk, drunk. So, maybe this season, to make Paula look more credible, they are feeding her lines. They had her predict who the final two will be SEVERAL weeks ago. They want her to look credible. And if after tonight's results show, we see Adam and Danny in the finale, then you'll all know that I WAS RIGHT.

If I'm not right, and Kris makes the final two do I explain myself? Well, I'd say that someone from the network found this blog...and they hurried and changed the results to contradict my prediction.

Either way, I end up looking like a GENIUS!!!


  1. Then there's my additional theory about Adam. Have you ever noticed he is last to sing nearly every week? That the judges have told him week after week they think he is it? I'm sensing a little favoritism and maybe some foul play. At least Grandma believes it's a conspiracy.

  2. Well, now, we always knew you were a genius Bec! And since Danny didn't get to the hoo, I LOVED Danny, the evil conspiracy must be to blame! Just hope Kris can unseat King Adam next week. Adams bugs...
    And of course, if Kris wins, that will send the whole theory up in flames! :)

  3. I meant Adam bugs. Not Adams bugs. But then again maybe it was a Freudian slip. Maybe I meant Adam's bugs. He seems to sing like he has bugs sometimes, especially when his tongue is hanging out!
